Friday, March 27, 2020

A re-newed beginning

A journey once taken alone
we now choose to take together.
Moving forward as one body
into a future filled with possibility,
we walk without maps,
but we walk confidently,
and we walk with hope,
because we have chosen to be lights for each other, while on the way.
We travel forward along a way
we have not gone before;
we travel as one who is led,
arms outstretched,
as one who is called forth to life.
We travel in need,
dependent on the Lord
for strength, for assurance;
dependent on each other,
God's instruments, for love.
Leaving known paths behind us,
we choose to journey forward
in faith and service.
As the journey brought us here,
so now we begin it anew,
in company.
I found the prayer above when I was looking for ways to pray for Joe while he was on his sabbatical for 10 weeks. I don't remember where I found it, but I think it speaks to our situation now. 

Catherine asked for this place to be made available again so we can join together in one more way. We cannot be physically with each other right now, but we can join our minds, our prayers, our souls.

If anyone is interested in directly adding images, words, poems thoughts or a whole post, let me know and I'll be happy to figure out how to let you do that. If you want me to add your thoughts, prayers, poems, images I'm also happy to do that as well.

Last night's meeting was a turning point in our group. We shared a space that was on one tiny screen in my house, and with people from locations I couldn't walk to in a day. We are learning a new way to be together. It's not as comfortable or familiar, but to me is worth the discomfort to continue to belong together.

I hope this place can also be a way to grow together.


If you have any readings, ideas, thoughts, prayers, meditations you would like to share, you can add them in the comments by clicking on the blue comment link and typing in the comment box that opens. This blog is not listed in Google so cannot easily be found. I can limit who can see by changing some settings. Please let me know what you prefer.