Thursday, February 23, 2017

Who will we ask?

When the Celtic Christians prayed, they invited the Cloud of Witnesses, the Communion of Saints to come and join them; to help guard the sheep, till the soil, sail the boat, weave the cloth, kindle the fire. They asked the Father, the Son and the Spirit to come and surround them in their beds, to keep them safe, to be with them so they could lay on the arm of Jesus. They asked Mary and the Apostles to come in and join in the party.

Who will I ask to join me each day to drive to work, to make the bed, to prepare dinner, to vacuum? Who will I ask to come into my house to join in the party, to bring heaven with them, through the door and into my living room to share the food, the stories, the love?

I do not know the saints enough to ask them to join in. I can name some names, but they are not well-known to me. I don't feel as if I can ask them in and sit with them. I can, however see the women who have come before me and have cared for the house, the men who have driven to work every day, the ones who have gone through their lives with thanksgiving and joy. These are familiar to me.

They are my father who stood in the living room and cracked his knees and scratched his head. He drove down Vanowen to work every day. He left at the same time and came home at the same time. He carried a counter with him as he worked so he could count the prayers of the rosary while he went through his day. He left the porch light on until everyone was home.

They are my grandmother who woke up early and set the table so we could have breakfast when we got up. Who welcomed all nine of us into her quiet house, had the beds waiting for us and orange juice on the table  with the cereal and milk

These and many others are my Cloud of Witnesses. I want to invite them into my living room, into my kitchen, into my car.

Who will you ask to join with you?

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